What if all the countries decide to have no boundaries??

Suma R
2 min readJul 6, 2021

Oh what a thought what a thought!!

“Panchi nadiyan hawa ke jhonke koi sarhad na ise roke.” says a Hindi movie song means there is no boundary which can stop the flow of bird, river and breeze.

Photo by Matthias Götzke on Unsplash

As I was sipping my cup of coffee in the evening and listening to this song I had this dream and Imagined as if we have same thing applied for Human beings

The lovely things which can happen :

  • There will be love and harmony every where
  • All the conflicts between the countries would come to an end.
  • India and Pakistan would be one so as Israel and Palestine.
  • There will be no wars and People never ever have to live under the threat of nuclear bombs.
  • We can create more safe and secure place to live for our coming generation.
  • There would no need of Visa and Passport.

The confusions which can appear:

  • People will be totally confused.
  • Confusions all over because of the different rules and regulations of different countries.
  • Since there is no boundary there is no separate governments and there will be no regulations
  • There will be confusions in the languages and big chaos in the communication
  • Commerce went on a toss because there was no uniformity on the currency.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Uff!! all these things will definitely happen as these things are man made and man is conditioned follow the rules.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I woke up from the dream and realized that

Though it looks like a beautiful and loving dream in reality its very very tough to accept and implemented into reality. Though there is war and unrest in the world there is still humanity lives if the above situation comes into reality people will definitely try to overpower each other and make this world more of a hell than a heaven.



Suma R

Works for NGO, Afull time mother, Teaches Kannada, loves writing